Workout Wednesdays: Mountain Biking Spin Class

Hey there fit readers!  It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for yet another superfun playlist that I’m working on in my Spin classes this week.

This week’s theme is mountain biking – lots of technical work and one long, continuous hill (yep – it lasts for FIVE songs!).  Check it out:

MountainRideWe take off (after a warmup song) on a long flat path (double time seated) to the mountain – then proceed to hit some rollers (single beat / double beat) and a standing quick steady into a stand / aggressive / sit combo (8 beats in each position, dropping to 4 beats after the first 2.5 minutes of song 5).

From there, the hill begins – we start with a steady standing build and drop into a “power climb” (on beat with bursts of tempo running) for song 7 – then reverse it and build in the saddle and stand into a “power climb” on song 9.  Song 10 is the longest – and also the last – so we use it to push to the top of the mountain in three 1-minute tempo pushes – with resistance adds to max.

Sound like fun?  This is what’s happening in at least one L.A. gym this week…

What are your favorite tunes right now?  Leave me a comment!

6 thoughts on “Workout Wednesdays: Mountain Biking Spin Class

  1. Good for you!. But no thank you, no heavy workouts for me any more. Tai chi, Qigong and walking are more than enough. Experience taught me that no pain no gain leads to more strain and more pain and I don’t like pain. But if you like it and enjoy it by all means go for it! In fact as you say what you do sounds fun!


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